Take control of your ad campaign

Unlimited downloads
for all platforms/formats
Publish to Google Ads
Most popular
Professional + cloud
$0.10 CPM
All features in Professional
and Cloud Publish with
real-time updates
$0.085 CPM
All features in Professional+
with priority support
and feed banners

Questions and Answers on Pricing

How does the pricing work?

Each plan is priced at a fixed monthly fee which gives you access to the Html5 Ad Builder and e-mail support. For the Professional + cloud and Business plans, an additional cost is added depending on how much you use Cloud Publish.

What is Cloud Publish?

Cloud Publish is our hosting service. With it, you can directly publish and update your ads in real-time. Cloud Publish is included in the Professional + cloud and Business plans at the CPM of the plan. For the Professional plan, you will have to download your banners ads and host them yourself.

What is CPM?

CPM – Cost Per Mille – means cost per thousand advertising impressions, where an impression is the display of an ad to a user. Cloud Publish pricing is based on CPM. For instance, if your plan has a CPM rate of $0.10 and 500 000 impressions are generated, the cost will be $50. ($0.10 x 500 000) / 1000 = $50.

What about personal or educational use?

TweenUI is free for personal (non-business) use. For any commercial purposes, please upgrade to one of the paid plans. For educational use, please contact us.